Lately more and more scientists are devoting time to the study of cannabidiol, how it can help people in their everyday life and improve it.

So we are constantly learning more new information about how useful it can be for us humans.

CBD has the ability to reduce stress and that in itself can help minimize the problems many people have with sleep.

Ιt has been shown that it can increase the total hours of sleep and improve insomnia, according to many available researches that have been conducted.

Specifically, research has shown that cannabidiol and hemp products, such as hemp oil and hemp flowers, can reduce stress and depression, as well as chronic pain, conditions that are responsible for sleep problems.

It also reduces daytime sleepiness, which is very important for the daily proper performance of brain functions and for the healthy fulfillment of the sleep & wake cycle.

CBD is able to help improve REM sleep abnormalities in people with PTSD.

Related research published in 2019 examined whether CBD could improve sleep and reduce anxiety.

The study involved 72 people, with 47 suffering from stress or chronic pain and 25 of them having severe insomnia.

All participants received 25 mg of cannabidiol (in oil form) every day, and after the first month, 79.2% of patients reported lower levels of anxiety or discomfort and 66.7% experienced significantly better sleep quality.