An introduction to cannabis and panic attacks

Cannabis, a plant with multiple uses and properties, has become a subject of interest in the field of mental health. In this blog, we will look at how cannabis can affect panic attacks, providing important information for those interested in learning more.

What is cannabis?

Cannabis is a plant that contains many different chemical components, which are called cannabinoids. The two best known of these are THC and CBD. THC is known for its psychoactive properties, while CBD has been linked to therapeutic benefits without causing the "psychoactive" experience associated with THC.

Cannabis and panic attacks: The relationship

The relationship between cannabis and panic attacks is complex and has been the subject of many studies. While some people report that cannabis helps reduce panic symptoms, others experience increased anxiety and panic after using it.

The role of CBD

CBD, in particular, has been shown to have anti-stress properties. Studies show that CBD can help reduce anxiety and provide calm to people experiencing panic attacks. This component of cannabis appears to affect the brain in a way that helps fight anxiety, making cannabis and panic attacks a major topic of discussion in the mental health community.

Studies and research

A 2015 study in the journal "Neurotherapeutics" found that CBD has the potential to reduce anxiety in people with various disorders, including panic attacks with very good results. Additionally, a 2019 study from the "Journal of Clinical Psychology" showed that patients using CBD reported reduced levels of anxiety and dramatically fewer seizures.

How Can Cannabis Help With Panic Attacks?

Using cannabis to treat panic attacks involves choosing the right strains and the right dosage. Strains with higher levels of CBD and lower levels of THC are often recommended to reduce anxiety and panic attacks. In addition, gradually increasing the dose (if deemed necessary) and monitoring the body's reactions are critical to recording results. In summary, taking oil with high percentages of CBD (eg 15%) is an alternative adjunctive action that you can take.


Cannabis and panic attacks is an area that needs further exploration and understanding, but research has shown several positive signs. With the right approach and use, cannabis can provide significant relief for people experiencing panic attacks. Continued education, research and information are keys to the safe and effective use of cannabis in this area.